Listed in reverse chronological order.
The internal physics of neutron remains and active research topic. I have worked on determining the gravitational wave signatures of out-of-equilibrium processes that could occur inside a neutron star as in orbits another star or black holes.
Black holes are entirely described by their mass and spin (and their electrical charge). Perturbed black holes ``ring down'' to a Schwarzschild (non-spinning) or Kerr (spinning) black hole end state. I have worked on understanding the limits of the applicability linear perturbation theory in describing the ringdown of a black hole, by helping to develop a second-order perturbative formalism. I wrote a code which implements that formalism, which has been used in several subsequent projects.
Black holes produce the strongest gravitational forces in the universe. Near these objects, general relativity (GR) may break down, or be modified by new physics. I have focused on determining which modified theories are predictive, and developing numerical techniques to extract physical predictions from the theories that are predictive.